

WebApp and BackEnd

Check out the App

Below you will find a link that leads to the WordBank website. To explore the functionality, you may use the provided username and password. Please note the username and password are case-sensitive. You also have the option to create your own account for a personalized experience.

Username: Demo
Password: DemoDemo


Wordbank, a project developed for increasing your vocabulary, showcases the utilization of the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack. The back end infrastructure was deployed on Heroku, leveraging MongoDB for data storage. The front end was hosted on Netlify. The app has fully responsive design ensuring seamless accessibility across various devices.

This interactive app empowers users to expand their vocabulary by introducing up to three new words at a time. Each user possesses a personalized account that maintains essential statistics, including learned words, previously known words, and words currently being learned. Wordbank integrates with two third-party APIs to retrieve word data and dynamically generate more words into Wordbank's library. Additionally, a leaderboard feature fosters a sense of healthy competition, while a flashcard functionality enables focused and structured studying.


  • Identified the need for an efficient method to learn new words within a limited timeframe
  • Conducted research on system design and conceptualized the foundation of the application
  • Thoroughly planned and strategized the entire project development process
  • Established a robust back-end infrastructure, considering future scalability requirements
  • Crafted a captivating and user-friendly UI/UX design
  • Implemented the front-end components with seamless integration using Material UI
  • Dedicated extensive efforts to bug fixing, addressing feature creep, and ensuring optimal performance
  • Released the application and conducted thorough user testing for valuable feedback
  • Addressed user feedback by diligently resolving reported bugs and making necessary improvements
  • Introduced a dynamic flashcard feature to enhance the learning experience


React Router




Material UI





Material UI

Webster API

WordNik API

Web App on desktop and mobile